已发布: 9 一月 2020

Taking the Pulse of the New Economy: Chief Economists' Outlook

The new decade opens with a fragile growth outlook, social tensions over the evident polarization of economic outcomes and high levels of uncertainty. There are signs of policy agility and business reform that may lead to a different, better kind of economic growth, but this momentum needs strengthening. “Taking the Pulse of the New Economy” summarizes the emerging contours of the current economic environment and identifies priorities for focus and action by policy-makers and business leaders in early 2020. This paper is the outcome of consultations with leading Chief Economists from both the public and private sectors, organized by the World Economic Forum’s Platform for Shaping the Future of the New Economy and Society. It will be issued on a bi-annual basis.

The new decade opens with a fragile growth outlook, social tensions over the evident polarization of economic outcomes and high levels of uncertainty. There are signs of policy agility and business reform that may lead to a different, better kind of economic growth, but this momentum needs strengthening. “Taking the Pulse of the New Economy” summarizes the emerging contours of the current economic environment and identifies priorities for focus and action by policy-makers and business leaders in early 2020. This paper is the outcome of consultations with leading Chief Economists from both the public and private sectors, organized by the World Economic Forum’s Platform for Shaping the Future of the New Economy and Society. It will be issued on a bi-annual basis.


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