已发布: 10 十月 2018

Systems Leadership and Platforms: How to mobilize people to transform systems and build the platforms to scale these efforts

This paper will explore some of the leadership and platform-design principles required. It features examples of systems leaders who are already working in this way as well as the thoughts of leading designers who are exploring new kinds of platforms. In our discussions with people, whether in social change organizations or corporations, there is a great deal of confusion and uncertainty about what systems leadership means. Our intention is not to provide definitive definitions, but to offer food for thought and action and contribute to a growing conversation about what works – and what does not.

This paper will explore some of the leadership and platform-design principles required. It features examples of systems leaders who are already working in this way as well as the thoughts of leading designers who are exploring new kinds of platforms. In our discussions with people, whether in social change organizations or corporations, there is a great deal of confusion and uncertainty about what systems leadership means. Our intention is not to provide definitive definitions, but to offer food for thought and action and contribute to a growing conversation about what works – and what does not.


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