已发布: 6 十月 2022

Sustainable Development Investment Partnership

The mission of the Sustainable Development Investment Partnership (SDIP) is to move capital at the scale and speed needed to bridge the SDG investment gap in emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs). Engaging relevant actors in these countries across public and private sectors ensures the solutions proposed to address the barriers restricting finance tackle the root causes and emphasize complex nuances and specificities in the national context. Impact is ensured by identifying actions to attract sustainable finance and investment and taking cooperative measures to develop innovative market mechanisms to bring in capital. This Annual Report presents SDIP initiatives over the past year to develop market structures, policies and financing instruments for priority sectors, including nature and biodiversity in the Asia-Pacific region, and for small and growing businesses in Ghana and Zambia. It also outlines continued work on financing the just energy transition in EMDEs. Building on concerted efforts in core impact areas, SDIP achieved tangible outcomes and successes during the year that touched the development finance system in myriad ways.

The mission of the Sustainable Development Investment Partnership (SDIP) is to move capital at the scale and speed needed to bridge the SDG investment gap in emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs). Engaging relevant actors in these countries across public and private sectors ensures the solutions proposed to address the barriers restricting finance tackle the root causes and emphasize complex nuances and specificities in the national context. Impact is ensured by identifying actions to attract sustainable finance and investment and taking cooperative measures to develop innovative market mechanisms to bring in capital. This Annual Report presents SDIP initiatives over the past year to develop market structures, policies and financing instruments for priority sectors, including nature and biodiversity in the Asia-Pacific region, and for small and growing businesses in Ghana and Zambia. It also outlines continued work on financing the just energy transition in EMDEs. Building on concerted efforts in core impact areas, SDIP achieved tangible outcomes and successes during the year that touched the development finance system in myriad ways.


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