已发布: 22 十一月 2013

Sustainable Consumption: Stakeholder Perspectives

This unique publication is a collection of personal reflections of many of the world’s most well-known corporate and civil society champions that have been part of the World Economic Forum’s Sustainable Consumption’s Initiative. This collaborative public – private initiative aimed to make progress on three distinct challenges that are core to driving sustainable consumption: the challenge of ensuring supply, the challenge of creating demand, and the challenge of the rules of the game, ie, the policy levers to be pulled and created to get to the scale needed. This publication offers insight in their personal journeys working on tackling sustainable consumption, and what they endeavor to continue to bring to the table through the World Economic Forum’s current Engaging Tomorrow’s Consumer and Circular Economy Initiatives, and beyond.

This unique publication is a collection of personal reflections of many of the world’s most well-known corporate and civil society champions that have been part of the World Economic Forum’s Sustainable Consumption’s Initiative. This collaborative public – private initiative aimed to make progress on three distinct challenges that are core to driving sustainable consumption: the challenge of ensuring supply, the challenge of creating demand, and the challenge of the rules of the game, ie, the policy levers to be pulled and created to get to the scale needed. This publication offers insight in their personal journeys working on tackling sustainable consumption, and what they endeavor to continue to bring to the table through the World Economic Forum’s current Engaging Tomorrow’s Consumer and Circular Economy Initiatives, and beyond.


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