已发布: 21 六月 2023

Sustainable Aviation Fuels: Offtake Manual

The First Movers Coalition (FMC) aviation community are taking decisive action towards combating aviation emissions by embracing emissions reduction technologies, including sustainable aviation fuels (SAF).

The First Movers Coalition (FMC) aviation community are taking decisive action towards combating aviation emissions by embracing emissions reduction technologies, including sustainable aviation fuels (SAF).

As the industry strives for net-zero emissions by 2050, SAF has emerged as the most promising solution, estimated to contribute around 65% of the required emissions reduction. Scaling SAF requires offtake commitments. In support, the FMC aviation community has crafted a pioneering guide to support and prepare stakeholders engaging in the purchasing of SAF and SAF certificates. This offtake manual, produced by the FMC aviation community, seeks to serve as a practitioner's manual for fuel producers, airlines and corporate buyers alike, offering essential insights. With a focus on non-procurement specialists and less experienced SAF buyers, the document elucidates the considerations, processes, stakeholders and associated risks involved in procuring SAF. By consolidating fragmented knowledge and sharing practical experiences, the guide promotes transparency and informs key decision-making in the realm of a SAF offtake. It serves as a one-stop-shop for fuel producers and providers, airlines and fuel buyers, as well as corporate flyers who are interested in better understanding the considerations of SAF offtake agreements.


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