已发布: 17 十月 2022

Sustainable Aviation Fuel Certificate (SAFc) Emissions Accounting and Reporting Guidelines

Corporate and private customers looking to reduce their scope 1 and 3 emissions can create a strong, long demand signal for certified emissions reductions from the use of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF). However, for this to occur, it is vital that clear and standardized accounting and reporting guidance is developed, so that corporate and private aviation consumers can unlock the environmental attributes of SAF. This will also ensure environmental integrity and avoid potential negative outcomes.

Corporate and private customers looking to reduce their scope 1 and 3 emissions can create a strong, long demand signal for certified emissions reductions from the use of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF). However, for this to occur, it is vital that clear and standardized accounting and reporting guidance is developed, so that corporate and private aviation consumers can unlock the environmental attributes of SAF. This will also ensure environmental integrity and avoid potential negative outcomes.

The publication of the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Certificate (SAFc) Emissions Accounting and Reporting Guidelines by the Clean Skies for Tomorrow initiative, in collaboration with RMI and PwC Netherlands, marks a critical step in developing a standardized approach, proposing a consistent and transparent book and claim methodology to account for the carbon benefits of SAF across the value chain. Specifically, these guidelines offer detailed step-by-step instructions, including recommended accounting calculation methods and reporting procedures, for five key “personas” representing SAF suppliers, airlines, corporate travellers, private aircraft owners and operators and freight operators. Importantly, these guidelines are designed to aid the disclosure of voluntary SAF purchases and cover scope 1 and 3 emissions claims. That is, the accounting framework has been designed for claims that go above and beyond CORSIA and national mandatory SAF requirements.


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