已发布: 10 五月 2022

Supply Chain Sustainability Policies: State of Play

Supply chains are important levers for achieving sustainability goals and have gained increased corporate, governmental and civil society attention. This white paper charts regulatory developments in supply chain sustainability, from international guidelines and free trade agreements to national laws and financial disclosure requirements. It draws on interviews to highlight corporate trends and challenges in delivering sustainable supply chains, as well as offering perspectives on government actions to support this agenda. A series of questions are outlined to guide future discussions.

Supply chains are important levers for achieving sustainability goals and have gained increased corporate, governmental and civil society attention. This white paper charts regulatory developments in supply chain sustainability, from international guidelines and free trade agreements to national laws and financial disclosure requirements. It draws on interviews to highlight corporate trends and challenges in delivering sustainable supply chains, as well as offering perspectives on government actions to support this agenda. A series of questions are outlined to guide future discussions.


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