已发布: 7 十月 2024

Strengthening the Gender Dimension in the Trade Policy Review Mechanism

Trade and domestic policy interventions can help address challenges women and their businesses face, while gender-disaggregated data assists in identifying issues and evaluating the impact of government programmes. As more governments adopt gender-inclusive initiatives, this white paper explores the role of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM) and how it can be improved.

Trade and domestic policy interventions can help address challenges women and their businesses face, while gender-disaggregated data assists in identifying issues and evaluating the impact of government programmes. As more governments adopt gender-inclusive initiatives, this white paper explores the role of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM) and how it can be improved.

The TPRM enhances transparency by reviewing WTO members’ trade policies, based on reports submitted by both the member and the WTO Secretariat. Analysing 14 recent TPRs, this white paper proposes a catalogue of gender measures, categorizes gender-related statistics and highlights best practices. It also encourages voluntary reporting of gender measures through the TPRM to foster dialogue and better policies.

These findings aim to improve outcomes for women and may benefit other marginalized groups, while promoting inclusive trade policies and enhanced data collection.


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