已发布: 16 一月 2023

Strengthening Public-Private Cooperation with Civil Society

Developing an effective response to the crises that societies face – including geopolitical fractures, climate and nature emergencies and societal divisions – requires strong global partnerships and public-private cooperation. Civil society organizations play a role, as mediators, champions, experts, implementers and watchdogs, which, combined, brings inclusion to the heart of public-private cooperation. Engaging more concretely, and more regularly, with civil society ensures that business, government and coalitions can deliver inclusive impact and find solutions that reverse inequality, respect planetary boundaries and uphold civic freedoms.

Developing an effective response to the crises that societies face – including geopolitical fractures, climate and nature emergencies and societal divisions – requires strong global partnerships and public-private cooperation. Civil society organizations play a role, as mediators, champions, experts, implementers and watchdogs, which, combined, brings inclusion to the heart of public-private cooperation. Engaging more concretely, and more regularly, with civil society ensures that business, government and coalitions can deliver inclusive impact and find solutions that reverse inequality, respect planetary boundaries and uphold civic freedoms.

Incorporating key recommendations from the World Economic Forum’s global civil society community, this white paper details how civil society is strengthening public-private cooperation and generating necessary disruption across today’s crises. It offers four key steps that leaders committed to making a sustainable and inclusive impact should take in order to deliver meaningful change.


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