已发布: 17 一月 2023

State of the Connected World 2023 Edition

The World Economic Forum with the Council on the Connected World produce the only publication that tracks governance gaps related to the Internet of Things (IoT). This report surveyed more than 270 experts from around the world to understand the current state of play and to highlight the need for universal governance protocols to secure connected devices—especially as cyberattacks and data breaches have rapidly increased since the pandemic. The report enumerates areas of concern – such as ethical use of data and universal access – and makes recommendations for the public and private sectors to secure these devices collaboratively.

The World Economic Forum with the Council on the Connected World produce the only publication that tracks governance gaps related to the Internet of Things (IoT). This report surveyed more than 270 experts from around the world to understand the current state of play and to highlight the need for universal governance protocols to secure connected devices—especially as cyberattacks and data breaches have rapidly increased since the pandemic. The report enumerates areas of concern – such as ethical use of data and universal access – and makes recommendations for the public and private sectors to secure these devices collaboratively.


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