已发布: 13 九月 2022

State of Quantum Computing: Building a Quantum Economy

Quantum computing is developing rapidly, with government and business investment reaching $35.5 billion globally, but the technology has not reached maturity yet.

Quantum computing is developing rapidly, with government and business investment reaching $35.5 billion globally, but the technology has not reached maturity yet.

The potential of quantum technologies is unprecedented, as they mimic chemical and biological systems, solve logistical and financial optimization problems, and empower fundamental science and existing technologies. Despite this potential, cybersecurity concerns and unrealistic business expectations undermine the development and adoption of technology. This report by the Global Future Council on Quantum Computing aims to provide clear, concise and neutral assessment of the current state of the quantum computing industry, advising business leaders and policy-makers on actions to be taken now to prepare for the technology once it matures.


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