已发布: 22 九月 2022

Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics Initiative: Partner Case Studies (Part 2)

In May 2022, the World Economic Forum published its inaugural set of case studies to illustrate the experiences of some of the world’s largest companies as they report on the Forum’s Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics. This white paper is the second in the series of case studies, profiling the experiences of six public companies: Ecopetrol, HEINEKEN, JLL, Philips, SABIC and Schneider Electric. Drawing on interviews with corporate leaders responsible for the sustainability reporting of their companies, the paper presents ways in which the metrics drive internal corporate transformation and create impact in the wider world. It also highlights personal insights and advice from the heads of ESG/sustainability or their team members who find themselves at the front line of sustainability reporting.

In May 2022, the World Economic Forum published its inaugural set of case studies to illustrate the experiences of some of the world’s largest companies as they report on the Forum’s Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics. This white paper is the second in the series of case studies, profiling the experiences of six public companies: Ecopetrol, HEINEKEN, JLL, Philips, SABIC and Schneider Electric. Drawing on interviews with corporate leaders responsible for the sustainability reporting of their companies, the paper presents ways in which the metrics drive internal corporate transformation and create impact in the wider world. It also highlights personal insights and advice from the heads of ESG/sustainability or their team members who find themselves at the front line of sustainability reporting.


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