已发布: 9 五月 2023

Space Applications in Agriculture: Enhancing Food and Water Security, Improving Climate Action

The value of space technologies in agriculture is becoming more widely recognized and their usage is increasing. As costs come down and resolution improves, insights from satellites could help address significant issues such as food waste, freshwater usage and CO2 emissions from agriculture.

The value of space technologies in agriculture is becoming more widely recognized and their usage is increasing. As costs come down and resolution improves, insights from satellites could help address significant issues such as food waste, freshwater usage and CO2 emissions from agriculture.

The economic benefits are significant, with additional economic value for growers in the billions of dollars. The market for space-borne insights in agriculture is projected to double by 2030, reaching almost $1 billion. Yet, further scaling will require cross-industry collaboration, ground-truthed algorithms and a clearly defined value proposition for end-users that provides trusted, actionable insights. Put most simply: the industry needs to bring together the right data to develop the right insights for the right people at the right time.


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