已发布: 20 十一月 2009

SlimCity Facilitation Guide

The SlimCity Knowledge Cards were produced by the Foresight, Incubation and Innovation Group at Arup, a global firm of consultant engineers, in collaboration with the World Economic Forum. Arup and the Forum assembled a project team comprising researchers, graphic designers, copy editors and picture researchers to create an innovative product that would help administrations in cities and the private sector take effective and appropriate measures to address complex environmental and resource challenges for urban centres.

The SlimCity Knowledge Cards were produced by the Foresight, Incubation and Innovation Group at Arup, a global firm of consultant engineers, in collaboration with the World Economic Forum. Arup and the Forum assembled a project team comprising researchers, graphic designers, copy editors and picture researchers to create an innovative product that would help administrations in cities and the private sector take effective and appropriate measures to address complex environmental and resource challenges for urban centres.


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