已发布: 26 七月 2023

Shared Intelligence for Resilient Supply Systems

This insight report, prepared by the World Economic Forum in collaboration with Accenture and other key partners, delves into the Global Supply Resilience Initiative (GSRI) – a collective endeavour aimed at promoting resilience through increased visibility in supply chain operations.

This insight report, prepared by the World Economic Forum in collaboration with Accenture and other key partners, delves into the Global Supply Resilience Initiative (GSRI) – a collective endeavour aimed at promoting resilience through increased visibility in supply chain operations.

The report details the successful implementation of a pilot project with UNICEF that uses real-time data to bolster system performance and help save lives in West Africa.

Harnessing shared data intelligence is key to predictive, responsive, and resilient supply networks. Especially in this era characterized by the escalating challenges of natural disasters, workforce shortages and global conflicts, the resilience of supply chains is more critical than ever.

Its impact goes beyond merely affecting businesses, reaching into the everyday lives and welfare of individuals worldwide. Yet, building global scalable data sharing platforms (beyond proofs of concepts) remains exceptionally challenging.

The GSRI showcases the critical role of open, non-competitive data exchange in bolstering supply chain resilience. It highlights that overcoming organizational hesitations about data sharing, backed by forward-thinking leadership, technological innovation and robust governance, can encourage collective action for the greater good.


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