已发布: 29 三月 2016

Security in Travel: Promoting Seamless and Secure Travel through Cross-Border Data Sharing and Collaboration

The World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on the Future of Travel & Tourism, via this white paper, recognizes that security is central to the industry and urges states to move from reactivity to proactivity when tackling security and mobility-related challenges. The paper recommends a smart travel approach, focusing on two types of processes, notably, the enhancement of existing solutions as well as new and innovative solutions to take the industry to the next level.

The World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on the Future of Travel & Tourism, via this white paper, recognizes that security is central to the industry and urges states to move from reactivity to proactivity when tackling security and mobility-related challenges. The paper recommends a smart travel approach, focusing on two types of processes, notably, the enhancement of existing solutions as well as new and innovative solutions to take the industry to the next level.


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