已发布: 12 一月 2023

Securing the Energy Transition

We are in the grip of an unprecedented global energy crisis, but short-term fixes will lead to a bleak future – to achieve energy security and sustainability, the only solution is to accelerate the low-carbon transition. A comprehensive reappraisal of energy systems is needed, to prioritize solutions that advance both security and sustainability, while building resilience to potential shocks. This new report proposes a framework and 10 key actions to align immediate responses with long-term goals to accelerate a just, sustainable and secure energy transition.

We are in the grip of an unprecedented global energy crisis, but short-term fixes will lead to a bleak future – to achieve energy security and sustainability, the only solution is to accelerate the low-carbon transition. A comprehensive reappraisal of energy systems is needed, to prioritize solutions that advance both security and sustainability, while building resilience to potential shocks. This new report proposes a framework and 10 key actions to align immediate responses with long-term goals to accelerate a just, sustainable and secure energy transition.


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