已发布: 8 一月 2024

Scaling Reuse Models: A Guide to Standardized Measurement

This white paper offers guidance to corporate stakeholders, policy-makers, standard-setters and broader ecosystem actors on how to measure progress on reuse models in a consistent way that enables target-setting at scale. It is a culmination of working group member input, reuse metrics testing outcomes and team recommendations.

This white paper offers guidance to corporate stakeholders, policy-makers, standard-setters and broader ecosystem actors on how to measure progress on reuse models in a consistent way that enables target-setting at scale. It is a culmination of working group member input, reuse metrics testing outcomes and team recommendations.

Accelerating the adoption of reuse is an essential pathway to achieve a world free of plastic pollution. It is vital to standardize how success on reuse models is measured, as momentum has notably increased, with first-mover companies and governments now setting reuse goals. This is to avoid fragmented measurement and target-setting approaches, which would slow down the wide-scale adoption of reuse models, create inconsistency in the quality of reporting, and lead to a loss of consumer confidence.

These guidelines on standardized reuse measurement must be continually refined, as working group members are still seeking convergence on key areas in the paper.


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