已发布: 14 八月 2024

SAF85 Technical Brief: Aviation Sector

First Movers Coalition (FMC) aviation sector members have made the ambitious commitment to procure sustainable aviation fuel that has at least 85% lower greenhouse gas emissions than conventional jet fuel – SAF85 – by 2030. This technical brief is intended to accelerate the procurement of SAF85 by FMC members and others.

First Movers Coalition (FMC) aviation sector members have made the ambitious commitment to procure sustainable aviation fuel that has at least 85% lower greenhouse gas emissions than conventional jet fuel – SAF85 – by 2030. This technical brief is intended to accelerate the procurement of SAF85 by FMC members and others.

While many FMC aviation members have made some progress towards procuring SAF85, the number and complexity of SAF production pathways and feedstocks on the horizon, as well as significant project-level nuances, make it difficult to identify products that meet the FMC’s high threshold. Each project, pathway, or feedstock can result in significant variations in carbon intensity, which can create confusion and deter action.

FMC members have expressed the need for “rules of thumb” and key questions to ask suppliers to identify SAF that meets the FMC threshold.


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