已发布: 23 三月 2023

Road Freight Zero: Towards a Holistic Regulatory Framework for Reducing Road Freight Emissions in Europe

As a response to the European Commission's recently proposed revision of the CO2 standards for trucks, trailers and buses, this briefing paper identifies eight policy enablers considered necessary to achieving more ambitious CO2 reduction targets for trucks. The paper purports that a more holistic regulatory framework will create the enabling conditions to support the roll-out of zero-emission fleets and infrastructure across the European Union, on par with the commitments made by value-chain actors.

As a response to the European Commission's recently proposed revision of the CO2 standards for trucks, trailers and buses, this briefing paper identifies eight policy enablers considered necessary to achieving more ambitious CO2 reduction targets for trucks. The paper purports that a more holistic regulatory framework will create the enabling conditions to support the roll-out of zero-emission fleets and infrastructure across the European Union, on par with the commitments made by value-chain actors.

This paper is an output of the Road Freight Zero community. It has held a series of multistakeholder workshops over the past two and a half years and identified the main challenges and enablers of the zero-emission road freight transition, as well as recommendations for accelerating the pace. Partners involved are committed to pursuing efforts to decarbonize their operations and freight flows, and, contributing to the dialogue with financiers and policy-makers, in order to enhance the enabling conditions for accelerating the transition.


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