已发布: 19 七月 2022

Risk Proof: A Framework for Building Organizational Resilience in an Uncertain Future

The COVID-19 pandemic was the latest in a series of shocks to disrupt our economies and societies. Both the near- and long-term future will be defined by the capacity of institutions to weather such shocks – climate, cyber, health and geopolitical – which are occurring at a frequency and with a severity perhaps never before seen in history. As a result, the concept of building resilience has taken on added urgency within the business community, and more broadly across society.

The COVID-19 pandemic was the latest in a series of shocks to disrupt our economies and societies. Both the near- and long-term future will be defined by the capacity of institutions to weather such shocks – climate, cyber, health and geopolitical – which are occurring at a frequency and with a severity perhaps never before seen in history. As a result, the concept of building resilience has taken on added urgency within the business community, and more broadly across society.

This report, written in collaboration with Verisk, focuses on how companies can strengthen their organizational resilience to adapt to this risk-prone world. Featuring a framework built on guiding principles and actionable steps, the report will help businesses define, identify and develop resilience in their organizations so they are prepared to overcome shocks, grasp new opportunities and tackle any crisis in the future.


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