已发布: 26 四月 2012

Rethinking Financial Innovation

Financial innovation has come under significant scrutiny over the past years, and nobody can argue that certain financial innovations went badly wrong in the run up to the recent crisis. Nevertheless, \"positive innovation\" continues to be needed to address the challenges society will be facing in the future, finds Rethinking Financial Innovation, Reducing Negative Outcomes While Retaining the Benefits, a report by the World Economic Forum, written in collaboration with Oliver Wyman. The report explores the topic of innovation in the financial services industry and its effect on the wider economy. 

Financial innovation has come under significant scrutiny over the past years, and nobody can argue that certain financial innovations went badly wrong in the run up to the recent crisis. Nevertheless, \"positive innovation\" continues to be needed to address the challenges society will be facing in the future, finds Rethinking Financial Innovation, Reducing Negative Outcomes While Retaining the Benefits, a report by the World Economic Forum, written in collaboration with Oliver Wyman. The report explores the topic of innovation in the financial services industry and its effect on the wider economy. 


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