已发布: 1 九月 2022

Rethinking City Revenue and Finance

This report was prepared in collaboration with PwC and identifies how cities can rethink traditional revenues and financing mechanisms to enable cities to build back better and provide climate-resilient, green, social and inclusive and enabling infrastructure to deliver liveable, sustainable, resilient and affordable cities. The report proposes the following five guiding principles and four cross-cutting strategic enablers to support cities across typologies in sound financial management practices.

This report was prepared in collaboration with PwC and identifies how cities can rethink traditional revenues and financing mechanisms to enable cities to build back better and provide climate-resilient, green, social and inclusive and enabling infrastructure to deliver liveable, sustainable, resilient and affordable cities. The report proposes the following five guiding principles and four cross-cutting strategic enablers to support cities across typologies in sound financial management practices.


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