已发布: 28 九月 2021

Responsible Use of Technology: The IBM Case Study

The World Economic Forum Responsible Use of Technology project aims to provide practical resources for organizations to operationalize ethics in their use of technology. This White Paper is the second in a series that highlights processes, tools and organizational constructs that facilitate the responsible design, development and implementation of technology. It presents IBM’s ethics journey, which can encourage organizations to adopt and operationalize technology ethics, and seeks to promote discussion and evaluation of IBM’s methods, tools and experiences. The Forum and its partners in this project hope that more organizations not only operationalize such ethics, but also share their experience with the global community.

The World Economic Forum Responsible Use of Technology project aims to provide practical resources for organizations to operationalize ethics in their use of technology. This White Paper is the second in a series that highlights processes, tools and organizational constructs that facilitate the responsible design, development and implementation of technology. It presents IBM’s ethics journey, which can encourage organizations to adopt and operationalize technology ethics, and seeks to promote discussion and evaluation of IBM’s methods, tools and experiences. The Forum and its partners in this project hope that more organizations not only operationalize such ethics, but also share their experience with the global community.


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