已发布: 2 六月 2017

Responsible Mineral Development Initiative: Implementation Manual

The transformational potential of the mineral sector to create value is not being realised. Realising this potential is critical to the future of many nations, regions and communities, especially in the context of the 2030 sustainable development agenda. It is known that the expectations of value and benefits vary across stakeholders and that when this is little understood, can result in missed opportunities, misalignment and at worst, conflict. Creating a multi-stakeholder and shared understanding of the value and benefits today and in the future provides a critical platform to start addressing these issues and to co-prioritise and co-action steps towards real value creation in the mineral sector.

The transformational potential of the mineral sector to create value is not being realised. Realising this potential is critical to the future of many nations, regions and communities, especially in the context of the 2030 sustainable development agenda. It is known that the expectations of value and benefits vary across stakeholders and that when this is little understood, can result in missed opportunities, misalignment and at worst, conflict. Creating a multi-stakeholder and shared understanding of the value and benefits today and in the future provides a critical platform to start addressing these issues and to co-prioritise and co-action steps towards real value creation in the mineral sector.

With this purpose, The World Economic Forum’s Responsible Mineral Development Initiative (RMDI) was launched in 2010 to explore the views, priorities and concerns of key stakeholders on mineral development. As a process, RMDI provides nations, companies and civil society a critical starting point for this dialogue and action.

This manual is the result of a multi stakeholder long term engagement throughout Asia, Latin America and Africa, with a very last and successful implementation in Guinea. The manual provides guidance on implementing the Responsible Mineral Development Initiative, including methods for engaging with key stakeholders, conducting the RMDI survey, analysing results and organizing an initial roundtable discussion. It provides insight on the lessons learned through the application of the RMDI in various countries and outlines a step-by-step procedure for implementing the RMDI.

A long term governance and implementation structure will be developed and funding sought to embed the process into existing structures, and allow the process to be disseminated and replicated broadly and at project, regional or national level.


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