已发布: 23 四月 2013

Responsible Mineral Development Initiative 2011

While the Phase I of the Responsible Mineral Development Initiative (RMDI) focused on identifying the challenges around responsible mineral development, this second phase report summarizes stakeholder views on how to address these challenges.Stakeholders were clear that there is no single “silver bullet” solution to all problems. Instead, several themes and dimensions need to be addressed in parallel and in relation to their possible applications. A framework of six building blocks was identified to address recognized challenges and provide guidance for next steps:Progressive capacity building and knowledge sharing among all stakeholdersA shared understanding of the benefits, costs, risks and responsibilities related to mineral developmentCollaborative processes for stakeholder engagement throughout the life cycle of mining projectsTransparent processes and arrangementsThorough Compliance, Monitoring and Enforcement of CommitmentsEarly and comprehensive dispute management

While the Phase I of the Responsible Mineral Development Initiative (RMDI) focused on identifying the challenges around responsible mineral development, this second phase report summarizes stakeholder views on how to address these challenges.Stakeholders were clear that there is no single “silver bullet” solution to all problems. Instead, several themes and dimensions need to be addressed in parallel and in relation to their possible applications. A framework of six building blocks was identified to address recognized challenges and provide guidance for next steps:Progressive capacity building and knowledge sharing among all stakeholdersA shared understanding of the benefits, costs, risks and responsibilities related to mineral developmentCollaborative processes for stakeholder engagement throughout the life cycle of mining projectsTransparent processes and arrangementsThorough Compliance, Monitoring and Enforcement of CommitmentsEarly and comprehensive dispute management


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