已发布: 10 三月 2011

Responsible Mineral Development Initiative

The World Economic Forum’s Responsible Mineral  Development Initiative (RMDI) was launched to explore the views, priorities and concerns of key stakeholders on mineral development, and to seek answers on what works, what does not, where discontent and frustration most commonly arise, and where improvements should occur. This report presents the preliminary findings of research covering 13 countries in three regions. It is offered as a basis for further discussion to determine additional research, policy and action oriented deliverables of this initiative for 2011 and beyond.

The World Economic Forum’s Responsible Mineral  Development Initiative (RMDI) was launched to explore the views, priorities and concerns of key stakeholders on mineral development, and to seek answers on what works, what does not, where discontent and frustration most commonly arise, and where improvements should occur. This report presents the preliminary findings of research covering 13 countries in three regions. It is offered as a basis for further discussion to determine additional research, policy and action oriented deliverables of this initiative for 2011 and beyond.


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