已发布: 23 十月 2023

Response to the White House's Request on Harmonizing Cybersecurity Regulations

The United States White House Office of the National Cyber Director has called for information for harmonizing cybersecurity standards and regulations across jurisdictions. This white paper lays out the response of the World Economic Forum Systems of Cyber Resilience: Electricity (SCRE) community. It focuses on addressing conflicts in cybersecurity requirements, identifying priority sectors and regions, evaluating international dialogues, reviewing ongoing global initiatives and exploring regulatory reciprocity.

The United States White House Office of the National Cyber Director has called for information for harmonizing cybersecurity standards and regulations across jurisdictions. This white paper lays out the response of the World Economic Forum Systems of Cyber Resilience: Electricity (SCRE) community. It focuses on addressing conflicts in cybersecurity requirements, identifying priority sectors and regions, evaluating international dialogues, reviewing ongoing global initiatives and exploring regulatory reciprocity.


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