已发布: 21 一月 2025

Resilience Pulse Check: Harnessing Collaboration to Navigate a Volatile World

As global volatility and compounding risks intensify, organizations must continuously adapt to complex macroeconomic and geopolitical dynamics. The Resilience Pulse Check: Harnessing Collaboration to Navigate a Volatile World white paper explores how businesses are responding to today’s challenges, drawing insights from over 250 private-sector leaders across industries and regions.

As global volatility and compounding risks intensify, organizations must continuously adapt to complex macroeconomic and geopolitical dynamics. The Resilience Pulse Check: Harnessing Collaboration to Navigate a Volatile World white paper explores how businesses are responding to today’s challenges, drawing insights from over 250 private-sector leaders across industries and regions.

The paper uncovers critical resilience gaps, with 84% of companies feeling underprepared for future disruptions. While many focus on short-term fixes, long-term foundational capabilities like foresight and proactive risk management often fall short – leaving businesses vulnerable in an era of prolonged uncertainty.

Resilience must become a core strategic priority rather than a reactive afterthought. Success depends on leadership that embraces diverse perspectives, accelerates decision-making and empowers teams. Public-private collaboration is essential for addressing systemic challenges such as access to capital, macroeconomic stability, sustainable investments and workforce preparedness. By working collectively, businesses can transform uncertainty into long-term value and sustainable growth.


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