已发布: 17 一月 2024

Regionalized Vaccine Manufacturing Collaborative Framework: A Framework for Enhancing Vaccine Access Through Regionalized Manufacturing Ecosystems

This report by the World Economic Forum, written in collaboration with Deloitte, presents a framework to expand regional scale vaccine manufacturing capacity to ensure safe, equitable, and reliable access to vaccines for all. The framework addresses challenges and opportunities across research and development and manufacturing innovation, supply chain and infrastructure, technology transfer and workforce development, business archetypes, healthy regional markets, financial models, product regulation, and policy governance.

This report by the World Economic Forum, written in collaboration with Deloitte, presents a framework to expand regional scale vaccine manufacturing capacity to ensure safe, equitable, and reliable access to vaccines for all. The framework addresses challenges and opportunities across research and development and manufacturing innovation, supply chain and infrastructure, technology transfer and workforce development, business archetypes, healthy regional markets, financial models, product regulation, and policy governance.

The World Economic Forum, US National Academy of Medicine, and Coalition of Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) launched the Regionalized Vaccine Manufacturing Collaborative (RVMC) which convenes executives and officials from financial institutions, manufacturers, NGOs, academia, and the public sector through a series of global workshops and bilateral discussions.

As RVMC transitions to the next phase of its journey with CEPI as the new host for the RVMC Secretariat, it will actively seek opportunities to help regions implement pillars of this framework and establish vaccine manufacturing capabilities.


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