已发布: 25 五月 2012

Redefining the Emerging Market Opportunity: Driving Growth through Financial Services Innovation

Redefining the Emerging Market Opportunity: Driving Growth through Financial Services Innovation reveals how global competition in financial services has been transformed by the rapid growth of emerging economies, which are now the leading source of the industry\'s long-term business prosperity.  The Report, produced in collaboration with The Boston Consulting Group, documents how innovative emerging-market financial companies have vaulted into the ranks of top-performing, world-class providers. They now dominate the list of financial companies providing the highest shareholder returns.

Redefining the Emerging Market Opportunity: Driving Growth through Financial Services Innovation reveals how global competition in financial services has been transformed by the rapid growth of emerging economies, which are now the leading source of the industry\'s long-term business prosperity.  The Report, produced in collaboration with The Boston Consulting Group, documents how innovative emerging-market financial companies have vaulted into the ranks of top-performing, world-class providers. They now dominate the list of financial companies providing the highest shareholder returns.


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