已发布: 3 三月 2025

Quantum Technologies: Key Strategies and Opportunities for ICT Leaders

Rapid advancements in quantum technologies present significant opportunities and challenges for the information and communication technology (ICT) sector. In collaboration with Accenture, the report Quantum Technologies: Key Strategies and Opportunities for ICT Leaders outlines the benefits and addresses the risks, offering potential solutions by case studies and policy frameworks based on industry case studies and expert insights.

Rapid advancements in quantum technologies present significant opportunities and challenges for the information and communication technology (ICT) sector. In collaboration with Accenture, the report Quantum Technologies: Key Strategies and Opportunities for ICT Leaders outlines the benefits and addresses the risks, offering potential solutions by case studies and policy frameworks based on industry case studies and expert insights.

The report highlights how quantum computing can solve complex problems efficiently, such as optimizing legacy telecommunications systems and enhancing customer engagement. It also explores quantum sensing, which provides unparalleled sensitivity through next-generation timekeeping and radio technologies, essential for improving critical telecommunications infrastructure. To protect data against future quantum computing capabilities, the report recommends a hybrid security approach that combines post-quantum cryptography with quantum key distribution. Additionally, it urges ICT leaders to evaluate their quantum readiness, invest in quantum-safe cryptography, upskill their workforce, and collaborate with regulators and industry partners for a smooth transition.

By implementing these strategies, organizations can ensure compliance with emerging regulations, reduce costs and drive innovation across the sector. Early adopters will gain a competitive edge by securing digital infrastructure, optimizing networks and positioning themselves as leaders in the quantum economy.


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