已发布: 16 一月 2024

Quantum Economy Blueprint

This blueprint provides a framework for value-led, democratic access to quantum resources, extending the Quantum Computing Governance Principles into practice for regional or national strategies. The blueprint serves as a guide for policy-makers, industry and academia to build a quantum ecosystem, focusing on economic growth, job creation and responsible development.

This blueprint provides a framework for value-led, democratic access to quantum resources, extending the Quantum Computing Governance Principles into practice for regional or national strategies. The blueprint serves as a guide for policy-makers, industry and academia to build a quantum ecosystem, focusing on economic growth, job creation and responsible development.

The global quantum effort leading to research and innovation in quantum science and technology is continually rising, with current worldwide public sector investments exceeding $39 billion. While a global ecosystem effort is needed to successfully develop and deploy quantum technologies, the current state of quantum efforts is concentrated in certain countries. Quantum technologies promise transformative impacts across industries, necessitating an equitable global distribution to avoid a quantum divide.

The growing global quantum divide between countries with established quantum technology programmes and those without will lead to significant imbalances in core areas such as healthcare, finance, manufacturing and more.


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