已发布: 27 一月 2012

Putting the New Vision for Agriculture into Action: A Transformation Is Happening

In order to feed a population of 9 billion in 2050, the world will need a New Vision for Agriculture - delivering food security, environmental sustainability and economic opportunity through agriculture. This will require producing more food with fewer resources while reinvigorating rural economies. It can only be achieved through collaboration, investment and innovation among all stakeholders. This report outlines the concrete actions that can be taken to achieve such a vision, and the tools we can use to measure progress. 

In order to feed a population of 9 billion in 2050, the world will need a New Vision for Agriculture - delivering food security, environmental sustainability and economic opportunity through agriculture. This will require producing more food with fewer resources while reinvigorating rural economies. It can only be achieved through collaboration, investment and innovation among all stakeholders. This report outlines the concrete actions that can be taken to achieve such a vision, and the tools we can use to measure progress. 


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