已发布: 24 九月 2024

Promoting Health and Well-Being: Employer Strategies for Encouraging Healthy Weight and Metabolic Wellness

Investing in the holistic well-being of employees offers both an economic opportunity for organizations and a significant public health benefit. This report focuses on the role of employers in fostering preventative health and management of health conditions or disease at work.

Investing in the holistic well-being of employees offers both an economic opportunity for organizations and a significant public health benefit. This report focuses on the role of employers in fostering preventative health and management of health conditions or disease at work.

As the prevalence of chronic disease continues to escalate globally, a multisectoral approach rooted in public–private collaboration is necessary.

More than a billion people around the world are living with obesity today, which is linked to over 200 health conditions, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and musculoskeletal disorders. Remaining passive will have dire consequences and, given the complex nature of obesity, a whole-of-society approach is essential.

Employers can seize the opportunity by coming together with the public sector, academia, health systems and civil society to transform the way in which health is addressed. The World Economic Forum's Healthy Workforces initiative, through this latest insight report, explores a range of strategies to aid employers in encouraging healthy weight and metabolic wellness.


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