已发布: 27 十月 2011

A Profitable and Resource Efficient Future: Catalysing Retrofit Finance and Investing in Commercial Real Estate

The report equips policy-makers and industry leaders with the information and tools needed to build and scale retrofit markets around the world. It highlights the business potential waiting to be tapped by multiple industries and underscores the acute importance for government leaders to take action now: to ensure a resource-secure, low-carbon future and to benefit from the economic and job creation potential that retrofitting promises. It calls to action the range of existing and potential stakeholders to fully and jointly participate in growing a healthy retrofit market, including government, financial service institutions, investors, property owners, utilities, equipment manufacturers, energy service companies and other related industries. Finally, it provides industry-specific recommendations to enable their participation.

The report equips policy-makers and industry leaders with the information and tools needed to build and scale retrofit markets around the world. It highlights the business potential waiting to be tapped by multiple industries and underscores the acute importance for government leaders to take action now: to ensure a resource-secure, low-carbon future and to benefit from the economic and job creation potential that retrofitting promises. It calls to action the range of existing and potential stakeholders to fully and jointly participate in growing a healthy retrofit market, including government, financial service institutions, investors, property owners, utilities, equipment manufacturers, energy service companies and other related industries. Finally, it provides industry-specific recommendations to enable their participation.


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