已发布: 24 一月 2011

Private Sector Development in Haiti: Opportunities for Investment, Job Creation and Growth

The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2010 took place days after the earthquake that struck Haiti on 12 January. During a special session in Davos, the Forum pledged to work in partnership with its stakeholders to assist in Haiti’s recovery by focusing specifically on economic development. This report, produced in partnership with the World Bank, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), presents the strategy for sustainable growth in Haiti and identifies opportunities for involvement by different international stakeholders to advance that strategy.

The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2010 took place days after the earthquake that struck Haiti on 12 January. During a special session in Davos, the Forum pledged to work in partnership with its stakeholders to assist in Haiti’s recovery by focusing specifically on economic development. This report, produced in partnership with the World Bank, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), presents the strategy for sustainable growth in Haiti and identifies opportunities for involvement by different international stakeholders to advance that strategy.


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