已发布: 21 一月 2021

Principles for Strengthening Global Cooperation

For the world to achieve a sustainable, equitable recovery, governments, businesses and civil society groups must come together. The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic and societal crises offer a potential inflection point and can serve as catalysts for changing course—away from competition and towards cooperation. Accelerating progress on shared priorities, such as the distribution of vaccines and revitalization of economies, and on longer-standing challenges such as climate change and inequity, demands stakeholders working in greater coordination with one another. To identify a path toward greater multi-stakeholder collaboration, the World Economic Forum convened leaders from the public and private sectors for a series of virtual meetings in 2020. In its deliberations, the Global Action Group agreed upon this set of seven Shared Principles for Strengthening Global Cooperation to help guide stakeholders towards a strong future.

For the world to achieve a sustainable, equitable recovery, governments, businesses and civil society groups must come together. The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic and societal crises offer a potential inflection point and can serve as catalysts for changing course—away from competition and towards cooperation. Accelerating progress on shared priorities, such as the distribution of vaccines and revitalization of economies, and on longer-standing challenges such as climate change and inequity, demands stakeholders working in greater coordination with one another. To identify a path toward greater multi-stakeholder collaboration, the World Economic Forum convened leaders from the public and private sectors for a series of virtual meetings in 2020. In its deliberations, the Global Action Group agreed upon this set of seven Shared Principles for Strengthening Global Cooperation to help guide stakeholders towards a strong future.


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