已发布: 13 十一月 2012

Preparing for Precision Medicine

Personalized medicine is the combination of established clinical parameters with emerging molecular information to generate preventative, diagnostic and therapeutic solutions that are tailored to each patient’s needs. Personalized approaches facilitate more precise healthcare deliver and have the potential to improve outcomes while reducing waste of resources and delivering significant other benefits. Assuring a smooth transition will depend on establishing frameworks for regulating, compiling and interpreting the influx of information that can keep pace with rapid scientific developments.

Personalized medicine is the combination of established clinical parameters with emerging molecular information to generate preventative, diagnostic and therapeutic solutions that are tailored to each patient’s needs. Personalized approaches facilitate more precise healthcare deliver and have the potential to improve outcomes while reducing waste of resources and delivering significant other benefits. Assuring a smooth transition will depend on establishing frameworks for regulating, compiling and interpreting the influx of information that can keep pace with rapid scientific developments.


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