已发布: 26 七月 2022

Power-to-Liquids Roadmap: Fuelling the Aviation Energy Transition in the United Arab Emirates

Power-to-liquids sustainable aviation fuel (PtL SAF) production is the most important technology for the United Arab Emirates to decarbonize aviation.

This white paper, published by the Forum's Clean Skies Tomorrow initiative, in collaboration with the United Arab Emirates Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure and ICF International, shows that it would be feasible for the United Arab Emirates to produce as much as 11 million tonnes of PtL SAF by 2050 – equivalent to approximately 70% of national jet fuel consumption. Deploying the industry at scale could create and sustain over one million jobs across the United Arab Emirates by 2050, driving meaningful GDP growth. The work presented in this white paper demonstrates that PtL technology is an affordable, practical approach to achieving sustainable economic growth.

Power-to-liquids sustainable aviation fuel (PtL SAF) production is the most important technology for the United Arab Emirates to decarbonize aviation.

This white paper, published by the Forum's Clean Skies Tomorrow initiative, in collaboration with the United Arab Emirates Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure and ICF International, shows that it would be feasible for the United Arab Emirates to produce as much as 11 million tonnes of PtL SAF by 2050 – equivalent to approximately 70% of national jet fuel consumption. Deploying the industry at scale could create and sustain over one million jobs across the United Arab Emirates by 2050, driving meaningful GDP growth. The work presented in this white paper demonstrates that PtL technology is an affordable, practical approach to achieving sustainable economic growth.


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