已发布: 6 三月 2018

The Global Future Council on Energy: Policy Recommendations

Global investment in clean energy amounted to more than 333 billion dollars in 2017 and households, businesses and governments are increasingly seeking new energy solutions due to the real economic value they can bring. However, the energy transition is not moving fast enough and the ball is now in the policymakers’ court to accelerate the clean energy solutions of the future. This report highlights proven policies that can help countries harness the energy transition’s potential for economic growth and environmental security.

Global investment in clean energy amounted to more than 333 billion dollars in 2017 and households, businesses and governments are increasingly seeking new energy solutions due to the real economic value they can bring. However, the energy transition is not moving fast enough and the ball is now in the policymakers’ court to accelerate the clean energy solutions of the future. This report highlights proven policies that can help countries harness the energy transition’s potential for economic growth and environmental security.

This report was written as part of the ongoing work by the Global Future Council on Energy; a group of leading academic and industry experts providing thought leadership on the most critical issues shaping the future of energy.


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