已发布: 7 十一月 2022

Policy Opportunities to Advance Clean Energy Investment in Indonesia

Accelerating the deployment of renewable energy capacity can be a significant measure to bolster Indonesia’s energy security, reduce reliance on fossil fuel imports and meet its net-zero targets. In doing so, Indonesia has the opportunity to become a renewable energy superpower.

Accelerating the deployment of renewable energy capacity can be a significant measure to bolster Indonesia’s energy security, reduce reliance on fossil fuel imports and meet its net-zero targets. In doing so, Indonesia has the opportunity to become a renewable energy superpower.

In 2022, the World Economic Forum (supported by Accenture), Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia (KADIN), and RE100 (led by Climate Group in partnership with CDP) established a working group of Indonesian and international stakeholders from industry, finance and academia to explore solutions to unlock capital for clean energy investments in Indonesia. This report outlines a series of policy and regulatory aspects that, if addressed, would help unlock Indonesia’s clean energy future. For each of these aspects, this report suggests possible regulatory and policy framework to create the kind of environment that would be conducive for Indonesia to attract the $150-200 billion in annual investments it needs to meet its net-zero targets.


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