已发布: 30 十一月 2023

Policy Action to Mobilize Climate Finance, and Market Responses

This white paper, written in collaboration with Oliver Wyman, highlights how public action can support investment in climate solutions.

This white paper, written in collaboration with Oliver Wyman, highlights how public action can support investment in climate solutions.

By outlining key measures recently adopted by government in the United States, the United Kingdom and the European Union, this paper analyses how public support can improve the commercial viability of net-zero opportunities for investors.

The paper describes key challenges to be addressed, and priority roles that the public sector can take to: A) drive action, through financial incentives and mandates or penalties; B) create certainty, by ensuring a stable regulatory environment through longer-term commitments; and C) set better standards for investments in climate solutions. The impact of these policies on emerging technologies such as sustainable aviation fuels and clean hydrogen is discussed, providing a unique toolkit for both policy-makers and investors.

This paper complements and builds on the financing blueprints set out in an earlier report on Financing the Transition to a Net-Zero Future.


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