Pathways to Social Justice: A Revitalized Vision for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workforce

The COVID-19 pandemic – and the ensuing economic disruptions and social and political unrest – has brought to centre stage issues of diversity, equity and inclusion, pressing business leaders to take action on social justice. It has quickly become a top business imperative to help create a more fair, diverse and inclusive society.
The COVID-19 pandemic – and the ensuing economic disruptions and social and political unrest – has brought to centre stage issues of diversity, equity and inclusion, pressing business leaders to take action on social justice. It has quickly become a top business imperative to help create a more fair, diverse and inclusive society.
For companies, ensuring greater parity in the post-pandemic era starts at home. Accordingly, this white paper provides an integrated four-step strategic framework as well as a comprehensive overview of measures that organizations can implement today to improve diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice for their workforce.