已发布: 25 五月 2023

Pathways to Crypto-Asset Regulation: A Global Approach

In the evolving crypto-asset ecosystem, coordinating regulatory frameworks across jurisdictions is a complex and formidable task. Given the unique features of the underlying technology and the limitless opportunities it presents, the need for global coordination is obvious.

In the evolving crypto-asset ecosystem, coordinating regulatory frameworks across jurisdictions is a complex and formidable task. Given the unique features of the underlying technology and the limitless opportunities it presents, the need for global coordination is obvious.

This white paper sets out to understand and highlight the needs and challenges in developing a global approach to crypto-asset regulation. In doing so, it delves into the various regulatory approaches being adopted by different jurisdictions. The result of multistakeholder consultations with experts from the Digital Currency Governance Consortium, comprising experts from public authorities, regulators, policy-making bodies, industry and academia, the paper explores pathways to creating a responsible crypto-asset ecosystem globally.


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