已发布: 16 十一月 2020

Partnership against Cybercrime

Of all the types of crime, cybercrime continues to increase at the fastest rate. It causes immense, though not always visible, damage to economies and societies.

Of all the types of crime, cybercrime continues to increase at the fastest rate. It causes immense, though not always visible, damage to economies and societies.

The World Economic Forum created the Partnership against Cybercrime initiative to address the global challenge posed by cybercrime by exploring ways to amplify public-private cooperation against this crime and overcome existing barriers to cooperation. The initiative brought together key private- and public-sector stakeholders, including leading law enforcement agencies, international organizations, cybersecurity companies, service and platform providers, global corporations and not-for-profit alliances.

The group's approach was not only to understand the challenges, but also to design forward-looking and action-oriented solutions, presented in this report.


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