已发布: 29 四月 2022

Pacesetters: Setting the Tempo of Advanced Climate Investing

The third in a series of White Papers on transformational investment, this publication provides actions for the investment community as a whole to integrate financially material climate factors into investment decision-making. The research presents solutions based on case studies, using insights from investor practices around the globe. These responsive actions, directly and indirectly, support the global effort to reduce carbon emissions to net-zero by 2050. They help to shape a Climate Benchmark – a self-assessment benchmarking tool that includes over 80 activities integrating climate factors into investment decision-making – that allows asset owners to assess current activities against today's advanced practices and peers.

The third in a series of White Papers on transformational investment, this publication provides actions for the investment community as a whole to integrate financially material climate factors into investment decision-making. The research presents solutions based on case studies, using insights from investor practices around the globe. These responsive actions, directly and indirectly, support the global effort to reduce carbon emissions to net-zero by 2050. They help to shape a Climate Benchmark – a self-assessment benchmarking tool that includes over 80 activities integrating climate factors into investment decision-making – that allows asset owners to assess current activities against today's advanced practices and peers.


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