已发布: 12 十二月 2024

Net-Zero Industry Tracker 2024

The third edition of the Net-Zero Industry Tracker provides a detailed analysis of the progress hard-to-abate industrial and transport sectors are making worldwide in their efforts to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. The eight sectors covered in the report account for approximately 40% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and are considered sectors in which reducing emissions can be challenging. Moreover, they play a fundamental role in driving global economic activity and connectivity. As a result, finding solutions to reducing these industries' emissions is critical to achieving global net-zero goals, while ensuring economic prosperity. The tracker provides both quantitative and qualitative scorecards for the sectors to continuously track their progress towards, and readiness for, net-zero targets. Furthermore, it identifies priority areas and key barriers for the industries to encourage targeted actions to facilitate progress towards emission reduction.

The third edition of the Net-Zero Industry Tracker provides a detailed analysis of the progress hard-to-abate industrial and transport sectors are making worldwide in their efforts to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. The eight sectors covered in the report account for approximately 40% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and are considered sectors in which reducing emissions can be challenging. Moreover, they play a fundamental role in driving global economic activity and connectivity. As a result, finding solutions to reducing these industries' emissions is critical to achieving global net-zero goals, while ensuring economic prosperity. The tracker provides both quantitative and qualitative scorecards for the sectors to continuously track their progress towards, and readiness for, net-zero targets. Furthermore, it identifies priority areas and key barriers for the industries to encourage targeted actions to facilitate progress towards emission reduction.


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