已发布: 16 一月 2025

Nature Positive Transitions: Sectors

The World Economic Forum’s Nature Positive Transitions report series explores transformative pathways to halt and reverse nature loss by 2030. Focusing on critical sectors, the series highlights the dual impacts and dependencies of these industries on nature, alongside the priority actions businesses can take to avoid and reduce negative impacts, mitigate nature-related risks, build resilience and unlock opportunities across value chains.

Each report identifies sector-specific material impacts on nature, such as pollution, land-use change and resource use, and offers actionable recommendations to align business practices with global biodiversity and climate goals. Key strategies include enhancing circularity, improving water stewardship, advancing cross-sector collaboration and supporting nature conservation and restoration.

Grounded in the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, the series calls for participation from all stakeholders to accelerate action at the scale and speed required to achieve a net-zero, nature-positive future while supporting economic growth. This initiative serves as a blueprint for driving industry advancements while safeguarding nature.

The World Economic Forum’s Nature Positive Transitions report series explores transformative pathways to halt and reverse nature loss by 2030. Focusing on critical sectors, the series highlights the dual impacts and dependencies of these industries on nature, alongside the priority actions businesses can take to avoid and reduce negative impacts, mitigate nature-related risks, build resilience and unlock opportunities across value chains.

Each report identifies sector-specific material impacts on nature, such as pollution, land-use change and resource use, and offers actionable recommendations to align business practices with global biodiversity and climate goals. Key strategies include enhancing circularity, improving water stewardship, advancing cross-sector collaboration and supporting nature conservation and restoration.

Grounded in the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, the series calls for participation from all stakeholders to accelerate action at the scale and speed required to achieve a net-zero, nature-positive future while supporting economic growth. This initiative serves as a blueprint for driving industry advancements while safeguarding nature.


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