已发布: 25 九月 2024

Nature Positive: Leaders’ Insights for the Transition in Cities

As urbanization increases, so do the challenges of climate change and nature loss. By 2050, 2.5 billion more people will live in cities, making local governments pivotal in shaping nature-positive and climate-resilient agendas.

As urbanization increases, so do the challenges of climate change and nature loss. By 2050, 2.5 billion more people will live in cities, making local governments pivotal in shaping nature-positive and climate-resilient agendas.

The World Economic Forum’s Nature-Positive Cities initiative, in partnership with Oliver Wyman, promotes collaboration among local governments, the private sector and civil society to bring about urban development in harmony with nature.

This collection of insights by the Global Commission on Nature-Positive Cities offers practical strategies and examples of urban interventions that have proven to have a positive impact on nature and biodiversity. These diverse perspectives and leadership experiences serve as a guide for integrating nature into urban planning, protecting ecosystems essential to urban life, and building more resilient and prosperous cities.


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